Friday, June 26, 2009

It's all about the dress...

Wasn't that a line from some movie?

Last night, Joanne went dress shopping (again) with our dear friend Cathy. They took pictures. "How does this dress look on me?"
Come on.....really.....what do you think I should say....

God forbid I use the "F" word...(not what you're thinking - f _ _).

Apparently, they went to some snooty dress shop and the sales lady was mean. Where is the lost art of salesmanship? Guaranteed, they'll be a "For Rent" sign in that window soon.

Seeing the concern in my wife's eyes to find the perfect, most beautiful, dress to look her best drives the import of this event home. It's the one shot to make it all exactly right....the storybook ending....every detail perfect for the one wedding of our only daughter. Wow - the pressure.....

Its hard for me to look at Joanne in anything and not see beauty....because I'm influenced by the kind of person see is, the sacrifices she's made and the love she's given her family, to all of us. I know two things.....on her, every dress is beautiful...she makes it so. And...those bitches are not getting MY money. The search is still on....

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