Monday, September 14, 2009

Big Week

Well, lots going on this week....

Final invitation responses are coming in (I feel like we should give a doorprize to the person with the best reason why they took so long - we're well beyond "the dog ate my homework" - but not much)

Saturday, Freddie, Jay and I got fitted for our tuxedos - whoa - this is really happening soon.

I can't describe it, but it was special watching Freddie and Jay try on their tux jackets...the look on their faces or they way they stood up so straight...I don't was something and even though I can't describe it, I'm really glad I was there to experience it.

And Friday is Freddie's stag - most of us, only get one, so I hope for him its good. I'm sure it will be.

Maybe that's why every little thing about this wedding is so important to us...why it means so much...because if you do it right, you never get another one.

Everyone else may have these things to look forward to in their own lives, at another time. But for us...this is it - the only one that Nikki and Freddie get. That makes it very special. And special times you got to hold on to and really enjoy.

For them, for us....this is a very big week, a special week

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